FREE DELIVERY on all wallpapers – plus up to 70% off! Only for a short time!

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Delivery Charges

The shipping costs vary depending on the product, manufacturer and size of the order. If you would like to know the estimated shipping costs before placing your order, you will find a list of shipping costs to the United Kingdom sorted by product type here. Please note that the listed shipping costs do not apply to island deliveries. If you are interested in delivery to another country, you can contact our customer service, who will be happy to help you with an order beyond the United Kingdom.

LVT, Vinyl rolls & Linoleum

Vinyl flooring £29.95 per order
Vinyl floor tiles

Gerflor Design /Prime: £11.95 per order

Gerflor Senso / Creation / Virtuo / Rigid : £29.95 per order

Vinyl rolls £29.95 per order
Linoleum flooring £29.95 per order

Engineered wood flooring, Cork flooring & Laminate flooring

Laminate flooring

£29.95 per order

Engineered wood flooring

£29.95 per order

Cork flooring £29.95 per order

Carpets & Carpet tiles

Carpets £34.95 per order
Carpet tiles £9.95 per order
Carpet planks £9.95 per order
Exhibition cord carpet

£29.95 per order

Sommer 2m width: £24.95 per order

Sommer 4m width: £49.95 per order

Exhibition flooring

£29.95 per order

Sommer 2m width: £24.95 per order

Sommer 4m width: £49.95 per order

Wallpaper & Decorative wall panels

Wallpaper As Creation £7.95 per order 
Erismann £7.95 per order
Wall murals £9.95 per order
Panels £29.95 per order

Decoration & Accessories

Cushions £9.95 per order
Rugs £24.95 per order
Entrance flooring £12.95 per order
Accessories £9.95 per order


Voucher Free

1-5 samples: £7.95

Please note: As the products we supply are outsourced from different warehouses, the respective shipping charges will accumulate.

As per industry standard, all deliveries are kerbside only.

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    01264 980370

    Mo-Fr: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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